About Chiropractic
Headaches  |    Whiplash  |   Low Back Pain
Sports  |   Children  |   Scoliosis
Headaches and Chiropractic

Some estimates suggest that 25% of the population has a headache right now!

Because headaches are so common, some people think that getting a headache is just
a normal part of life. Headaches are a sign that something is wrong.

A frequent and overlooked cause of headaches is the malfunction of spinal bones in
the neck and upper back. When bones of the spine lose their normal position or
motion, sensitive nerves and blood vessels to the head can be affected. When spinal
nerves and related tissues are stretched and irritated they can produce throbbing
headaches. Aspirin and medications may cover up these warning signs, but do not
correct the underlying structural cause.

Many people find relief and correction with chiropractic care. If a thorough
examination reveals reduced range of motion, loss of normal spinal curves, or
mechanical restrictions, chiropractic care should be considered. After a complete
explanation, you'll receive a care program designed for your unique spinal problem.

Many patients report headache relief.  Others find that the correction of their
problem takes longer because their spinal problem has existed undetected for many
years.  Every patient responds differently.  Regardless of how you respond, enjoy
the drug-free results millions have enjoyed by consulting Dr. Elliott at Back To Life
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Whiplash and Chiropractic

Whiplash is one of the most common consequences of auto accidents; it is estimated
that 15% to 30% of car occupants will suffer neck pain. In almost all whiplash-type
injuries the spine is thrown first in one direction and then is pulled in the opposite
direction. The rebound can and often does cause injury to your soft tissues -
muscles, ligaments, tendons and other tissues.

Whiplash can be mild to severe and can range from rapid healing to slow healing to
long term chronic pain and impairment. Studies show that a large percentage of
whiplash sufferers, from 50% to as much as 88%, may continue to suffer pain and
some amount of disability for years after the accident.

Whiplash symptoms may start as neck soreness or stiffness, perhaps accompanied
by a headache immediately or within a few hours of the accident. Along with these
symptoms there may be pain and/or numbness, tingling or a pins - and - needles
feeling between the shoulder blades, arm and hand. Some people may experience ear
ringing, dizziness or even hearing loss. Sometimes the eyes can be affected and there
may be pain behind the eyeballs, blurred vision, sensitivity to light or other visual
symptoms. Occasionally, there may be running of the nose.

A concussion may accompany a whiplash. It occurs from a violent shaking of the
head where the brain is thrown around against the inside of the skull. Concussion
symptoms may include headache, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, moodiness,
depression and emotional jitters that may last for hours or days after the accident.

Not only whiplash, but
any kind of accident may cause the vertebral subluxation
complex. Injuries to the joints of the spinal column may be the cause of many of the
symptoms associated with whiplash injuries. Painkillers, muscle relaxers or
sedatives cannot restore function to the joints of the spinal column - only a trained
chiropractor can remove the cause of whiplash symptoms and facilitate the healing

If you or someone you know has been involved in an auto accident - call Back To
Life Chiropractic today!
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Low Back Pain

Back pain brings more people to the chiropractor than any other single problem.
Most patients who consult their chiropractor about back pain have been to another
doctor in a different field of health care for the problem. Their back pain may have
been diagnosed as sciatica, slipped disc, lumbago, arthritis, neuritis, pinched nerve,
strain, or some other condition.

Although having a name attached to a problem can be satisfying, most patients are
primarily interested in feeling better. They want their pain relieved quickly and
permanently. Many patients know what brought on their back pain - they picked up
a lawn mower, or fell off a ladder, or were involved in another type of accident.
Many other patients can pinpoint a specific event that triggered their pain.

Often, job related stress, either physical or emotional, can bring on backaches.
Lifting heavy loads improperly, repeated bending or other actions that use a
particular set of muscles, or standing on concrete floors day after day are just some
of the job conditions that can stress your body and lead to pain.

Family worries, financial problems, or job dissatisfaction are among the emotional
stresses that can cause muscles to be constantly tense and ultimately painful.

To help identify the source of your back pain, your chiropractor doctor will conduct
a thorough orthopedic and neurological examination. This may include x-rays of
your spine. X-rays are very important for providing the most complete picture of
the cause of your pain

Many of the pain-sensing nerves of the spine are in the facet joints, the two
interlocking "fingers" at the back of each spinal bone. The normally smooth surfaces
on which these joints glide, can become rough, irritated, and inflamed. Surgical
treatment often involves removing these facet joints, exposing the spinal cord.
Another cause of lower back pain can be a bulging disc putting pressure on the spinal
cord or a nearby nerve root. The result is often numbness, tingling, or pain down the
leg. Cutting away the bulging disc tissue, can permanently alter its ability to separate
and cushion the adjacent bones. This rarely addresses the underlying structural
cause(s) of the problem. The chiropractic approach is to help restore a more normal
motion and position of affected spinal bones by specific chiropractic adjustments.
The simplicity and success of this approach has been documented in numerous
research projects and has helped many patients avoid risky surgery.

Dr. Marilyn Elliott at Back To Life Chiropractic has extensive training in the
management of low back conditions; she is board certified in the treatment of these
problems. Your care
may keep you out of surgery.  Call Back To Life Chiropractic
today and see if chiropractic can help your low back pain.
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Sports and Chiropractic

Spinal injuries can restrict range of motion, reduce strength, slow reflexes, shorten
endurance, and decrease performance. Chiropractic care for these types of injuries
has become increasingly popular. Professional sports teams, Olympic trainers, and
competitive athletes employ chiropractic doctors - because they demand results.

Chiropractic care helps restore function to spinal joints that are "locked up", fixated,
and not moving properly. Besides helping to relieve pain, chiropractic care can also
help reduce inflammation. Muscles, tendons, and ligaments depend upon proper
joint movement for peak performance. Injuries to these tissues can reduce range of
motion, affect delicate nerves, decrease blood supply, and take you out of the game.
Normalizing spinal function helps speed the healing of these soft tissues and reduce
the deconditioning effect of being on the sidelines.

An aerobic exercise program or a plan of brisk walking can improve muscle tone and
help you avoid strains, sprains, and other activity - restricting health problems.
Whether you golf, play tennis, bicycle, or bowl, the best treatment for sports injuries
is prevention!

Visit Back To Life Chiropractic and find out if chiropractic care can restore your
health, improve your performance, and increase your competitive edge.

Better Reaction Time and Coordination  
Athletes under chiropractic care were compared with a control group that received
no care for agility, balance, power, speed, and reaction time. After six weeks, the
chiropractic group had a 10.7% improvement while the control group had a 4.5%
improvement. After 12 weeks, the chiropractic group's improvement was 16.7%!
The chiropractic athlete reacts faster, coordinates better, executes fine movement
with improved accuracy and precision amounting to an overall better athlete. That's
why 75% of the San Francisco 49ers received chiropractic care the day they won the
1990 Super Bowl.
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Children and Chiropractic

Children benefit from chiropractic care before they are born, by having a mother
who receives prenatal chiropractic checkups. A healthy diet, proper exercise, a
stress free environment, and a chiropractic lifestyle help prepare for a happy,
healthy baby.

Even so-called "natural" birthing methods can stress a still developing spine. The
resulting irritation to the nervous system can be the cause of many newborn health
complaints. Colic, unexplained crying, poor appetite, breathing problems, and
allergic reactions can often be traced to nervous system dysfunction caused by a
malfunctioning spine.

Head support, followed by crawling and a baby's first few steps should be followed
by chiropractic checkups. If neglected, the bumps and falls during this period of
rapid growth may lead to serious spinal deformities later in life. This can set the
stage for scoliosis, growing pains, and a weakened immune system response.
Chiropractic adjusting techniques are modified to fit a child's size, weight, and
unique spinal problem. Parents often report their children seem healthier than other
kids their age.
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Scoliosis and Chiropractic

Scoliosis is a sideways curving of the spine that often gets started in childhood, when
the bones of the spine are still growing.  It is thought that scoliosis is the result of a
hereditary problem or an adaptation to some type of trauma, such as the birth
process, or an injury, such as falling off a bicycle.  It usually starts with problems in
the lower back.  Because spinal bones continue to grow well into the early 20s, if left
uncorrected, scoliosis often worsens.  Unfortunately, the most common treatment
approach has been to wait and see how bad it gets, resorting to unsightly braces, or
eventually surgery, if it progresses too far.  The chiropractic approach is to use the
specific spinal adjustments, often combined with corrective exercises.  If detected
early enough, chiropractic doctors have had excellent success with scoliosis cases.  
Early detection and chiropractic correction is important for optimum results.  Dr.
Elliott has had excellent results in her care of the scoliotic spine in both children and
adults.  If you would like to see if chiropractic can help with your or your children's
scoliotic curvature, please call Back To Life Chiropractic and make an appointment
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Normal curve           Loss of  